What are you searching for?
Application area: General industry
General facts
Shortening: PE
Color: White, colorless
Coloring options: Unlimited
Common uses: Household items, bottles, pipes, buckets, fuel tanks, cable insulation, etc.
Technical data
- Very good impact resistance over a wide temperature range.
- Good electrical properties.
- Low water absorption.
- Resistant to most chemicals.
- Can be used in contact with food.
- Available in several variants with varying melt index and molecular weight from very weak to semi-rigid materials.
- Stiffened with filler or fiberglass.
- Expands to foam.
- Occurs as a construction plastic with simultaneous cellular and fiberglass structure.
- Low Price.
- Mycket hög längdutvidgningskoefficient.
- Låg resistans mot krypning vid belastning.
- Sämre utmattningshållfasthet än polypropen.
- Brinner häftigt.
- Angrips av oxiderande syror.
- Hög formkrympning.
- Svårt och limma.
- Känslig för spänningskorrosion.
- Dålig väderbeständighet (om ej svart).
- Svårt att förse med text utan föregående ytbehandling.
- Låg reptålighet.
- Mekaniska egenskaper, starkt temperaturberoende.