Ertalon LFX

Shortening PA
Color Green
Coloring options Extensive
Common uses Structural applications, bearings, gears, screws, propellers, tool shafts, sliding parts and sheaves.
Type Polyamide
  • Benefits
  • Limitations
  • Properties
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  • High-temperature resistance than other PA materials.
  • Excellent mechanical properties.
  • Polyamide 6 can be monomer cast. The method is suitable for large voltage-free details in short series.
  • Unfilled PAs are food approved.
  • It is hygroscopic, although less than PA 6.
  • Like all polyamides, it absorbs or emits moisture.
  • The moisture acts as a plasticizer and lowers the tensile strength, creep resistance, and rigidity while increasing the impact strength and component dimensions.
  • The electrical properties are strongly influenced by the moisture content.
  • The length extension varies with temperature and moisture content.
  • The polyamides are attacked by strong mineral acids and acetic acid; they are dissolved by phenols. Some types are attacked by formic acid.

Specific properties

The Ertalon LFX plastic internally lubricated cast nylon 6 is self-lubricating in the real meaning of the word. The plastic that is specially developed for unlubricated, highly loaded, and slow-moving parts applications, yields a considerable enlargement of the application opportunities compared to standard cast nylons. It offers a reduced coefficient of friction, considerably increasing the pressure-velocity capabilities and a vastly improved wear resistance.

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Material data Ertalon LFX