Nylatron MD FG

Shortening PA
Color Blue
Coloring options Extensive
Common uses Structural applications, bearings, gears, screws, propellers, tool shafts, rolls, rifle butts, blocks, hoists and cable insulation.
Type Polyamide, metal detectable
  • Benefits
  • Limitations
  • Properties
  • Documents
  • High-temperature resistance than other PA materials.
  • Excellent mechanical properties.
  • Polyamide 6 can be monomer cast. The method is suitable for large voltage-free details in short series.
  • Unfilled PAs are food approved.
  • It is hygroscopic, although less than PA 6.
  • Like all polyamides, it absorbs or emits moisture.
  • The moisture acts as a plasticizer and lowers the tensile strength, creep resistance, and rigidity while increasing the impact strength and component dimensions.
  • The electrical properties are strongly influenced by the moisture content.
  • The length extension varies with temperature and moisture content.
  • The polyamides are attacked by strong mineral acids and acetic acid; they are dissolved by phenols. Some types are attacked by formic acid.

Specific properties

Nylatron MD FG contains a metal detectable additive that has been specifically tailored for use in the food processing and packaging industries. It can easily be traced by the conventional metal detection systems installed to detect contamination of the food – results may vary depending on the sensitivity of the metal detection system used.