Polypropen PP

The milky white propylene plastic is used in bottles, knobs, door handles, and medicine and cosmetics packaging, among other things. It is available as a homopolymer as well as a copolymer. The two differ in that the copolymer PP-PE has a better impact resistance in cold than the homopolymer has. The transmission capacity for this semi-crystalline plastic is 55 - 90%.

Polypropylene is a polypropylene plastic, i.e. a semi-crystalline plastic, which means, among other things, that it is durable and easy to dye to almost any shade. Our different PP plastics have different properties, including different colours, with variants ranging from transparent to more opaque. You can read more about the different types below.

Polypropylene – with properties for food

With the exception of any optional dyes in the products, no chemicals are added or emitted, and therefore the material is approved for contact with food.

Propylene plastic is available as a homopolymer and copolymer. They differ in that the copolymer PP-PE has a better impact resistance in cold than the homopolymer has. The transmission capacity is 55-90%. Its melting range is between 160 and 170° C.


Areas of use for propenplast: 

  • Pump house
  • Fuel tanks
  • Guids
  • Lining in tanks
  • Plates
  • Mould plates
  • Punch pad

We know everything to do with plastics, so if you have any questions about PP materials, the properties of PP plastics or just about anything, just feel free to contact us så hjälper vi dig hitta rätt material för ditt projekt.


Features of polypropylene PP

Because polypropylene is a durable and non-toxic plastic with very little environmental impact, it is used in many everyday contexts, such as toys or bottles and other packaging. However, its use is even greater in industry, where PP and its properties work perfectly in applications such as pump houses, tanks, mold plates and much more.