Polyvinylidene fluoride PVDF

The milky white vinylidene fluoride plastic is seen in electrical applications in aircraft, electrical machines, electrical insulation materials, and robots. This type of semi-crystalline plastic is suitable for injection molding and extrusion.

Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic. It combines high mechanical strength with good machinability. PVDF is widely used in chemical processing equipment such as pumps, valves, pipes and fittings.

PVDF is widely used in high-tech applications such as chemical process equipment, electrical and electronics, specialty and energy-related applications.

It belongs to the fluoride family where PTFE is found and, like PTFE, it has very good UV properties and high chemical resistance and is suitable in the entire pH scale.

Areas of use for vinylidene flouride plastic:

  • Pumps
  • Lid
  • Valves
  • Connections
  • Bushings
  • Pipe parts
  • Guids

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